Threat diffusion and Protection Services
Crime (including fraud and counterfeiting), geopolitical risks, terrorism, cyber issues, espionage and insider threats are some of the security threats that continue to evolve and proliferate. Increasing regulatory oversight and scrutiny also demonstrate the need for engagement of a systems-approach risk management consultancy firm such as ours with vast and reputable connections and partnerships with traditional law enforcement agencies and private security formations. Our allied agencies and formations offer:
- Physical protection of assets
- Physical protection of people
- Crisis response/management
- Cyber security, Information and Data protection
- Internal investigations and Counterespionage
- Countering fraud, money laundering
- Brand protection and Anticounterfeiting/Piracy Services
- Awareness of the market and competitors
- Business continuity services, etc
Over the years, we have built high performance skills and capabilities required to offer world-class services in the Nigerian economic and political environment. We are therefore very conversant with the critical issues that prevail therein and are strategically positioned to address the peculiar needs of our clients, to ensure that you get the highest standards of services that will increase the returns on investment. As such, Proprium Dei shall do what is necessary to give your interests the leading edge.